"Halinghing," released on October 18, 2024, is a Filipino drama directed by Jacqueline R. Carlos. The film centers on a photojournalist assigned to cover the story of Faith, an award-winning actress accused of murdering her businessman husband. As the investigation unfolds, the narrative delves into themes of passion, betrayal, and the blurred lines between truth and deception.
The cast features Jenn Rosa as Faith, Aiko Garcia as Randie, and Josef Elizalde as Mark, each delivering compelling performances that bring depth to their complex characters. The film's title, "Halinghing," translates to "Moan" in English, hinting at the intense and provocative nature of the storyline.
With a runtime of 1 hour and 6 minutes, "Halinghing" has garnered mixed reviews, holding an IMDb rating of 5.4 out of 10 based on 19 user ratings.
The film is available for streaming on Vivamax, a platform known for its diverse selection of Filipino content.
"Halinghing" contributes to the evolving landscape of Philippine cinema by exploring controversial subjects and pushing the boundaries of traditional storytelling. Its provocative narrative and strong performances make it a notable entry in the 2024 film lineup.