"Rautu ka Raaz" (2024), directed by Ankur Sharma, is a gripping supernatural thriller that delves into ancient folklore and dark mysteries. Set in a remote village shrouded in legends, the film follows the journey of Arjun Kapoor, played by Raghav Mehta, a skeptical journalist who ventures into the village to uncover the truth behind a series of eerie occurrences linked to a local legend.
The plot centers around the enigmatic figure of Rautu, a mythical entity believed to bring misfortune to those who disturb its resting place. As Arjun investigates the legend, he encounters a series of unsettling events that challenge his rationality and lead him deeper into the village’s secrets. The story intertwines suspense and supernatural elements, creating an atmosphere of mounting tension and intrigue.
The film’s cinematography effectively captures the haunting beauty of the village, using shadows and eerie landscapes to enhance the chilling narrative. Raghav Mehta delivers a compelling performance, bringing depth to a character torn between skepticism and fear. "Rautu ka Raaz" stands out for its clever blend of folklore and thriller genres, offering audiences a captivating experience filled with unexpected twists and atmospheric tension.